The Maryland Association of School Resource Officers
About Us
The Maryland Association of School Resource Officers (M.A.S.R.O.) is a Non-profit Organization formed to promote law-related education and safety of students Membership is comprised of Police Officers, Probation Officers, School Administrators, School Counselors Parents, and Teachers who care about maintaining Safe schools in Maryland. The SRO program is more than 20 years old Nationwide. Even though its concept is fairly new to Maryland, by the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year there were over 300 School Resource Officers assigned to Maryland Schools. SRO's serve three major roles in Maryland Schools: As Law Enforcement Officers within the school and surrounding community. As instructors who teach law-related topics in the classroom.As student mentor/advisers to help resolve conflicts without violence.
What We Do
MASRO is dedicated to provide the highest quality of training for all police officers and professionals in the juvenile justice field. Training is offered year round and members can request courses to be held in their area.
Basic School Resource Officer
Advanced School Resource Officer
Tactical Communication Training
Implicit Bias Training
Citizen Response to Active Shooter Training
Full-Scale School Crisis Drills
School Climate Bullying Survey
School Safety Assessment Services
Tabletop School Crisis Exercises

Community Service
We believe in the power of SRO's to bring people together. MASRO encourages it's members to connect and tap into shared passions to provide a helping hand and create meaningful opportunities that can strengthen schools and communities.
Throughout the year, our members dedicate their time and energy to create positive change in young people's lives. Service projects vary in size and focus. We encourage our members to lead and participate in projects that align to our commitment to disconnected young people. We believe the impact of service is on both the community and those volunteering. For the volunteer, service fosters increased empathy and connection.
Customers, community members and partners are invited to join in service throughout the year.
Executive Board

Lawrence Smith
Baltimore City School Police

Sgt. Clyde Boatwright
Baltimore City School Police
Vice President
Thomas G. Kelley
Hagerstown City Police

Michael Rudinski
Maryland Center for School Safety
Past President